Saturday, July 30, 2005

Computer Problems

Just wanted to let everyone ( probably two or three of you) that check regularly, that my computer is having problems. Something about the inner workings of it. Therefore, I will not be posting until it gets fixed. Hope I won't be gone too long.

Monday, July 25, 2005

It's Raining........

Okay, that title might be an exaggeration. It rained here for about 20 minutes this morning. It was wonderful to see the rain coming down though. Beka and Jared wanted to go out on the porch and feel the rain. But, of course, my children could not stop at just staying on the porch. So, what does Mommy do? She grabs the camera and gets a picture of their rain dance.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Fun in the pool

The children have been playing in the pool in the backyard lately. They have such fun in the water. A plus for Mommy is that they play really nicely together in it too. I am always pleased when they can share a space without fighting.

Beka enjoys splashing and jumping into the pool.

Jared just enjoys being in the water.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mini Car Wash

Today, I put the children to work washing the car.  It was just too hot outside to do anything that didn't involve water

In the end, they both had so much fun that when the car was done, they moved onto their bikes.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Spoiling Time

I took the children to visit their grandparents over the last couple of days. It was a time full of playgrounds, walks, special treats, and lots of swinging. It was really nice to catch up with what everyone is doing. We were only gone for a couple of days, but we managed to see everyone. The kids even got to go to one of their favorite places. It is an indoor playgroundwith slides, ziplines, and tunnels. Beka and Jared just love to play there and Mommy likes it because they are exhausted afterwards. Thanks to everyone for spending time with us.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Today the kids and I decided to be explorers. I took them to a nearby park that is huge. Instead of playing at the playground, we started walking and exploring. We walked over bridges and saw the creek. We visited a small house that was reminiscent of Chinese architecture. Explorer Beka pointed out leaves and discovered a water fountain. Explorer Jared found sticks and birds. We walked through the "jungle" (a path through the trees). They had an incredible time and learned alot about nature too.
Then when we arrived home there were some police officers in the neighborhood. So we went down and I explained how police officers help us. We had the opportunity to look inside the car. The officers were very nice and talked to Beka and Jared. I think it is really good for them not to be scared of the police. I want Beka and Jared to feel comfortable talking to law enforcement in case they ever need help.
So it was a morning full of adventure.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Recap of the Fourth of July weekend

I am sitting here eating a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream and reflecting over our long weekend. Thinking back over it, I realize we didn't do alot but we had really relaxing fun family time.

Friday, was a beautiful day so I took the kids to the zoo. Beka and Jared love that place. The favorite exhibits this time were the frogs and the really big turtle.

Saturday, we played Jared's new favorite game that we all have parts in. Jared says, " I to me) dragon....Beka princess( he gets an adorable smile when he says this) ( pointing to Daddy) donkey". Then we basically play tag and run around the yard. Sometimes Beka will go lie down on the patio so that Jared has to come rescue her.

Sunday as usual was church day. Then we all relaxed with naps. Andrew treated me by taking the kids to the playground and Mommy got to stay home alone. Ahhhh....I do so appreciate my husband.

Today, we played outside. We didn't go to any of the fireworks shows...the loud explosions stilll seem to bother the kids. We did, however, watch some of the shows on TV. Jared just loves the music. I hope to keep instilling that appreciation in him. In the middle of one of the shows, Beka asks, "did you know that God made us?"
I responded, "Yes, Beka He did." Beka then informs me, "He did it all by himself. His daddy didn't even help him or his mommy." It amazes me what both of my children glean from what I perceive to be an innocent conversation.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Softball Game

Andrew had a softball game last night. I think it was the third or fourth one of the season. No, I don't exactly know which one it was nor do I exactly know if they won or lost. I usually don't even know if he is playing on the home team or the visiting team so that I could glance at the scoreboard evey now and then and at least look like I had paid attention. Now you may ask why I go to the games if I know absolutely nothing about what went on at said game. It isn't as though I am thoroughly uninterested in how Andrew plays. It is that while the game is being played I am watching two hooligans who can't stand still long enough for mommy to watch the game. Fortunately, Andrew is very understanding and lets me know if he played well or not and who won the game.