Thursday, August 25, 2005

New Look

Sorry, I haven't posted much lately. It seems like whenever something exciting happens to blog about the camera is nowhere to be found. For example, we were driving home for church on Sunday when we saw a flock of geese just standing on the football field of the school by our house. There had to be at least 20 geese all just standing around. But who takes their camera to church with them? Well, from now on me! And then that night, we went to the mall. The hobby store was sponsoring RC car races on the dirt track that had been set up. Jared was enthralled. He kept trying to get closer and closer to the cars. But alas, once camera. So I have decided that I am starting a new fashion fad. I am going to just velcro the camera to me. Problem solved.

Also, I changed the look of the blog a little. I, basically, just wanted to see if I could do it. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Visit to Wildlife Prairie State Park

Yesterday, our neighbor and I took all four children to Wildlife Prairie State Park. The park has animals in their natural habitat and that are native to Illinois. The kids had fun looking at the animals, plus it tired them out for the day. We saw bears, bobcats, coyotes, and goats just to name a few.

After walking the park, we took the time for one last group picture.

We had a fun time. I hope to do it again sometime.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Electric Bicycle

My husband has a new obsession project. Well, I guess it is not new. He has been working on it for about a year off and on.

The bike has two batteries and other assorted gizmos and gadgets. (yes, those are the technical terms) Last I heard he had gotten up to around 40 mph. Now I support his obsession project wholeheartedly. Tinkering around with the bike gives him time to clear his mind. I just never expected him ride it in public. Doesn't he look so cute?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Sidewalk painting

Recently, the children decided to paint the sidewalk. I mixed together cornstarch and water and then added some food coloring. Beka and Jared painted the sidewalk. When the mixture dries, it looks like you painted with chalk. Beka and Jared loved painting, and they learned about mixing colors and shapes.

(notice the handprint) (who needs a paintbrush)

(the finished product) (I am not sure whose footprint this is)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Back in Business

My loving ever wonderful husband fixed my computer last night. I am doing the happy dance here. I am going to try to get some pictures ready for a post tonight.