Thursday, June 23, 2005

Beka the bug hunter and Jared my drummer boy

Beka has become totally enthralled with roly-poly bugs.  Whenever we are outside, she wants to go bug catching.  I used try to make her wait for Daddy to get home.  Now though she goes off by herself and catches bugs.  The most she has caught at one time is 8.  She has great eyes for finding these bugs. Beka will sit under a tree in our yard and dig under the rocks to find them.  She is very persistent and proud when she finds them.  I can't wait until later this summer when I introduce her to fireflies!

Jared is a percussionist all the way.  I always said I would never let my child have a drum.  Well, I used the word "never" and I have learned since not to say that about anything.  Before Christmas (that is when Jared received his drum from Grandma), Jared would beat on this one pan.  He drummed on it so much that i was losing my mind from the "tinny" sound it made and the pan was losing all of the enamel on the outside.  Now, I thought Jared would eventually lose interest in the drum, but I was wrong.  It is now 6 months after Christmas and the drum still is played at least once a day.  I guess I just better accept the fact that I have a drummer in the house.

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