Monday, September 26, 2005

Soaking Wet

We had a small sandbox in the backyard.  Well, after so many times of rain getting into it, the sand is gone.  Now yesterday it rained and water collected in what used to be the sandbox.  Beka and Jared decided it would be fun to play in.  It started out innocently enough with them taking shovels and scooping the water into buckets to then water the grass.  The activity ended with them pouring buckets of water over each others head until they were soaked through.  They kept asking if they were wet yet.  I ended up stripping them and sending them straight into the tub.  They were so wet.

I was just having a conversation with my children about what to have for lunch that made me laugh. Sometimes I like to tease them about what we will eat when they won't tell me what they want.

Mommy: "I think we should have worms for lunch."
Beka and Jared: "NO!"
Mommy: "How about some beetles then?"
Beka: "No, Mommy, we eat people food."
Mommy: "Okay then we will eat feet. Feet are people food."
Beka "No, no I want real food."
Then Jared pipes up with: "Guys, guys, guys, calm down a little bit."

He was so sincere. He acted like we were fighting.

And then he cracks up laughing at us. It was just too cute.

Friday, September 16, 2005

All About Beka

Beka made this poster for preschool. They are going to put it in a book so all the students can learn about one another. Beka picked everything that is on it herself. She has her family and her favorite princesses. (Although all the princesses are her favorites, we couldn't find pictures of all of them.) Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus is one of her favorite books right now. Yellow has always been her favorite color. On the day we made the poster, pizza was her favorite food. As an afterthought, she decided to add the glitter glue in the corner because she likes to decorate things. It was a really fun project to do with her. I am waiting to see how her favorites change over the years.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First Day of Preschool

Beka had her first day of preschool today.  She was so excited.  Beka went to the same school for about two months last year, so she knew the routine.  She was all smiles.

Jared, on the other hand, started out happy for his sister.

But after we left her at school, the tears started.  Jared made his feelings very clear.  "I waaaannnntttt my Beeeeekkkkkaaaa."   "I love my Beka, where is she?"  Once we picked her up, he was back to his happy self.  I guess we will have to see how the year goes.
As for Beka's day, she was a good helper and made new friends.  She can't wait to go back on Thursday.